Sunday, June 26, 2016

Student Computers and Tablets

Here are the basics of how tech will look like in the upcoming school year:

Grades 5-12:  1046 MacBook Airs.
5th grade students will work from classroom sets and will be allowed to take theirs home later in the school year.

Grades 3-4:  300 refurbished MacBook Pros on 12 carts and 75 iPads (64 Gb) on 3 carts
Each classroom teacher will have a classroom set of refurbished MacBook Pros.

Grades K-2:  440 iPads (16 Gb) on 20 carts
Each classroom teacher will have a classroom set of iPads.
The computer labs will also be upgraded to refurbished imacs.

Every teacher will be issued a new MacBook Pro.
Teacher Assistants who need one will be issued a refurbished MacBook Pro.

There are some other potential projects in the works, including switching internet service providers, upgrading Internet bandwidth at the elementary buildings, updating the District's phone system, and updating the District's website.  There are several other initiatives progressing in the upcoming school year that will not be addressed in this thread.

Look for more tech details in upcoming postings.

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